
Archive for the ‘The Inheritance Cycle’ Category

The final book, "Inheritance", as revealed to fans in an early morning, exclusive email from Random House.

For fans around the world, this news is much anticipated. The Inheritance Cycle, which began with Eragon, followed by Eldest and Brisingr, will finally reach its conclusion – and it has that green dragon we’ve all been suspecting.

INHERITANCE will be the fourth and final installment of the cycle, and promises to be exciting and full of answers. “The burning questions asked by fans around the world will finally be answered in this last installment,” says author Christopher Paolini.
The release date is set for November 8th, 2011 in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.

So – what are your thoughts? Who’s the fourth dragon rider? Is it a character we’ve already met? Is Murtagh good or not? Will Arya and Eragon finally GET TOGETHER?

Paolini isn’t giving many hints, except that it’s going to be as heart pounding and heart wrenching as the rest of the series. “When I was last writing,” Paolini teases at Comic Con, 2010, “I’d killed off a main character and left Eragon manacled and bloodied to a wall”.


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After months of waiting, the schedule of events for San Diego’s Comic Con is finally online. It can be found here.
For that are wondering, Comic Con is essentially the largest gathering of geeks, their conspirators, and the things they love each year. It takes place in the San Diego Convention Center every year at the end of July. It encompasses the entire world of comics, fantasy, science fiction, video games, movies, television, books, artists, collectors items, pop culture – anything (essentially) that you can watch, read, play, or listen too.

For the first time ever, I am attending all four days. I snagged three of the four days before the sold out in record-breaking December (beating the tickets for 2009’s Comic Con which sold out in the March before the event). I grabbed the fourth just a few weeks ago when return memberships came back on sale. I am absolutely thrilled at the program schedule this year, which includes panels I both was – and wasn’t- expecting. Many I was absolutely ecstatic about. Here are some of my favorite panels and guests coming to CC this year (in no particular order):

Warner Brothers Panel, Including The Deathly Hallows (Saturday, 11:45am) — Warner Brothers will be presenting looks at three of their upcoming films: The Green Lantern, Sucker Punch, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. EDIT: In a surprise, but absolutely brilliant turn of events, Warner Brothers today (July 21) revealed that Tom Felton will be attending the panel to present NEW footage! While we all expected the footage, no cast members were originally slated to attend. Having obviously felt the pain from every Harry Potter fan in attendance at CC, it seems Warner Brothers was able to get Tom out here! I am ridiculously excited about the news, especially because (lets be honest), if there was one Potter star I wanted to meet – it was Tom Felton! (Read why in last week’s Actor Spotlight). Also, check out my newest post on what to expect from me after the panel!

The Big Bang Theory (Friday, 12:45pm) — From one of the most popular sitcoms on television comes a panel moderated by Star Trek: The Next Generation star and BBT guest actor Wil Wheaton in what is sure to be the most fantastic hour of hilarity at Comic Con. Not generally a fan of television comedy, the BBT is my favorite half-hour show out there, largely do to its incredible writing, acting, and geek references (all, for the most part, of which I get).

Behind the Music: Composing for Sci-Fi, Horror, and Fantasy TV and Film (Thursday, 4:30pm)— Award-winning composers of the music of Heroes, True Blood, Pushing Daisies, Lost, Superman Returns, and Avatar:The Last Airbender will share just how to compose for one of the most versatile musical industries – film. My personal favorite attending (and one of my absolute favorite composers) is Michael Giacchino, who recently one a Golden Globe for his work in Up. He is also known for scores such as the new Star Trek, Lost, Ratatouille, and The Incredibles.

Tron: Legacy (Thursday, 11:15am) — Okay, I’ll admit I haven’t seen the original movie – but don’t worry – its on a to-do list. But I’m a sucker for the big sound, big picture, big technology kind of movies. The original trailer got me sucked in, and I want to see where they take it. And, according to the number of people who have already put it on their schedules (close to 2000), its going to be the biggest event this year.

Merlin (Sunday, 11:45am)— Now this was truly unexpected. The popular television show in Britain has slowly been making itself known in the United States on ABC. Having finished an extremely successful second season, Merlin is coming to Comic Con to share new glimpses into the upcoming third season. Featuring Merlin himself, Colin Morgan, and acclaimed actor Anthony Head (who plays Uther Pendragon, father of Arthur), this panel is one of the ones I am most looking forward too – largely because I can’t get enough of the actors. Too bad Bradley James, the ever gorgeous Arthur, isn’t scheduled to attend – saving some British maidens in distress I suppose…

Fantasy Author Panel including Christopher Paolini (Thursday, 1:45pm) — This panel is centered around exploring if fantasy books require larger than life heroes and heroines. In addition to getting a chance to talk to a group of fantastic fantasy writers, we might be able to get a glimpse into the future of certain writers books (like Paolini – who’s fourth book in the Inheritance Cycle is long overdue).

Spartacus: Blood and Sand (Friday, 3:15pm)— Starz’ new, hit series (and a personal favorite of mine) will be having its own panel this year with many of the actors and crew from the show. In addition to information about the second season, we will also get an exclusive first look at the prequel: Spartacus: Gods of the Arena which was filmed while one of the lead actors was battling cancer (p.s. – he kicked cancer’s ass).

Glee (Sunday, 1:30pm)— Yes, Glee is coming. Did you expect anything less? I anticipate a lot of singing….of which I will probably take part in.

Thanks to a new feature on the Comic Con website, I can actually create my own personal schedule which allows me to see how many people have declared they are ‘attending’ a certain panel (great for planning how early to arrive).
If you are interested in seeing what I am attending, you can find my tentative schedule here.

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